Aims & Objective

Aims & Object of Council

  1.  To promote through all feasible means and with cooperation of all, the fast development in social, cultural, educational, scientific and technical fields and to help Teachers, educators and students to improve the quality of life.
  2. To remain non-political but dedicated organisation which works for educating people about various issues of national and international  importance by holding seminars, conference, workshops and cultural events etc and to disseminate such information through creation,  publication and distribution of literature books, magazines, pamphlets, posters and audio-visual presentation.
  3. The council will work for enhancement and improvement of quality of innovative teaching practices and develop social and cultural cooperation between our progressive people all over country.
  4. The activities of the council are on nonprofit basis and all the membership fees, Donation, Grant of the council will be used exclusively to promote the above said objects.
  5. Council for work development of Education, the organisation will give survey, evaluation report & suggestions to the State governments, Central Government, the Universities, AICTE and N.C.T.E. Whenever  required at certain intervals.
  6. The Council will collect information, do research work, inspire, demonstrate, communicate  various activities in the field of education  to do so.
  7. The Council will examine the syllabus already prescribed in Universitios and Colleges and for its improvement, modification it will give suggestions to the concerned departments/University.
  8. To start, establish, run, take over or manage and maintain & Quality in schools, with an object to provide sound primary, middle, secondary, senior secondary and higher education and Teacher Training College and Technical Institution to students by seeking recognition.
  9. To provide Educational  kits, Libraries, Laboratories, Reading rooms, Hostels, play grounds,                  and other  possible facilities to the students and also to the staff of the educational Institution.
  10. To engage, employ or hire appropriate staff, workers, legal experts and       other professionals,                         managers and agents for the work and furtherance        of the  aims and objects of the council and               to pay             their wages, salaries,            stipends, Scholarship.
  11. The Council in sickness/emergency, will extend all possible help to its members.
  12. The Council will make the Teachers, educators aware of their rights and duties and will help the Teachers, educators employed in different colleges to get their right security & guidance all over the country.
  13. The Council will bestow Awards Shiksha Ratna / Vishist Award and Fellowship Award etc. to the best teacher all over the country for their worthy and excellent work in the field of education, health, social, administration, literature, Art & culture and other fields.
  14. The Council for the welfare of its members will make plans for  security and insurance and will bring them into practice.
  15. To promote literacy, cultural and other social activities by awareness programmes, Lectures,                 Essay Competitions, Symposiums, Cultural Programmes, Press, Conference, Olympiad,             Workshop and           Seminars.
  16. To establish, run, support and grant aid or other financial assistance to schools, colleges, Libraries, research and other institutions of the like nature is India, for use of the students and the staff and also for the development and advancement of education and diffusion of knowledge amongst the public in general people.
  17. To establish, maintain and run studentship, scholarships and render other kind of aid to students including supply of books, stipends, medals and other incentives to study, without any distinction as to caste, colour, race, creed or sex.
  18. To promote, establish, support, maintain or grant aid to institution for the promotion of science, literature, music, drama and fine arts for the preservation of historical monuments and for the research and other intuitions in India having similar objects for the benefit of the public in general.
  19. To establish and develop institutions for the physically, mentally Challenged persons and to provide them proper education, food, clothing or other help.
  20. To grant aid or render assistance to other public charitable Trust or institutions/Govt./University,UGC.
  21. To make aware about the environmental pollution, to inspire children and youth for National and International integration to provide fast and effective help against natural calamities such as disaster, to make aware to all walks of students and people of India and abroad for science and technology, introduce awareness about hygiene among children, youths, seniors and poor, teach lessons about one’s duties and fundamental right. The Council is dedicated to work for the noble course. The main aims & Object of this Council  are to attain the above noted objects with integrity.
  22. To purchase / acquire the Land and  building in the name of the Educational Development Council and make construction.